Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm making friends!

That's right ladies and gents, friends are on the horizon! The transition from college life to family life in a place where I don't feel totally comfortable has been difficult at times. I've felt lonely at times and have been learning to give my heart to the Lord and find joy in Him. But I'm actually starting to connect with some people! I joined a women's soccer league and the girls on my team are super cool. This Thursday we are starting a women's group for our church!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sad Things

Wow. The past two years there have been several significant deaths for me. I'm figuring out how to process them. At this point it's just tears and anger. My dear cousin Maegan died yesterday. I'm leaving tomorrow to go to the funeral in Alabama. The task of attending this funeral is daunting.

I need prayer please.