Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My New Fashion Line

I cut some of my old jeans into shorts today and decided to use the left-overs to make bracelets for the girls. This turned into entire jean outfits for each of them. The video is messed up but you'll get the idea...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm domestic and I don't care who knows it.

That's right folks. The long awaited arrival of my domestic qualities is here. I cook. I clean. I wipe butts. I host dinner parties. I wear aprons. I hold crying toddlers for extended periods of time each day. I could go on but I'm so accustomed to all of these 1950s house wife actions that they no longer seems strange to me.

I've gotten pretty into cooking, mostly because I don't want my parties to be lame, but also I'm enjoying trying new things and learning to cook without box kits. The girls love watching in the kitchen and when I'm prepared for what will come from them stirring, pouring, etc, I let them help. Here's an example of how that normally turns out...